Monday 26 January 2009

Model Answer 2008 credit

2008 – POPULATION Credit Model Answer

Question 6 – part a
The population structures of Australia and Malawi are very different because Australia is an EMDC and Malawi an ELDC. Malawi has a high birth rate, shown in the wide base. This is due to lack of contraception and education about contraception so people are forced to have larger families. People may also make the decision to have a larger family as the country has a high infant mortality rate, and therefore having several children will ensure that some will survive. In Malawi children are often viewed as economic assets, and are needed to help parents by working and providing money, therefore people will have more children to earn more money and so the birth rate is high.
Malawi also has a high death rate, shown in the tapering off of the pyramid from the age of 50. People in Malawi die young due to lack of proper sanitation; they often contract disease which for which they cannot afford treatment. People in Malawi live a very difficult live with a lot of manual labour; this again takes its toll and reduces life expectancy.

In Australia the birth rate is low, largely due to people being aware of contraception and having good access to this if they wish. People also chose to have fewer children as women focus on their careers and realise the huge cost of bringing up children, therefore have fewer. The death rate is also lower, due to the fact that health care is available and accessible for all, and therefore people can receive treatment for illness. People live a better lifestyle in comfortable homes, with good food and available health care, which helps to promote general health and increase life expectancy.

Question 6 – part b

The demographic transition model shows changes in the population. In stage one the birth rates are high (over 40/1000) and the death rate is also high (45/1000) (1 mark) at stage two the birth rate remains high and the death rate falls sharply (1 mark) to around 11/1000. Stage 3 shows the birth rate falling sharply and death rate remaining low (1 mark) Stage 4 shows low birth and death rates, therefore the natural increase in the population will be low (1 mark)

In Nigeria birth rate is high as little contraception is available (1 mark) People also choose to have more children as infant mortality rates are high here (1 mark) and children are often needed to help with work, provide an income and to look after parents (1 mark)
Death rates in Nigeria are falling due to increased access to health care and medicines (1 mark) vaccinations are also being introduced which can help prevent many diseases (1 mark) Nigeria has a high natural increase due to high birth rates and lower death rates (1 mark)

Birth and death rates are both low meaning that the country has a low natural increase (1 mark) Low birth rates are due to better pre and post natal care so more babies survive (1 mark) which means that families do not need to have as many children (1 mark) Contraception is also easily available and its use encouraged which reduces birth rates (1 mark) Women may also chose to have children later as they focus on their career, this again means they are less likely to have large families, reducing the birth rate (1 mark)
Death rates are low due to vaccinations against many illnesses (1 mark) There is good access to health care and medical treatment is free, which helps people to live longer (1 mark) Living conditions are good, with clean water and proper sanitation which again contributes to an improved standard of living and reduces death rates (1 mark)

Check these answers against your own work.

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